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September 2019


A key ingredient for making soap is the fatty acids that come from oils and butters. While goat milk contains fat, it’s not enough for saponification—the chemical reaction between an acid and a base that results in soap. To make our soap, we add selected, natural fats in the form of pure oils and butters.

It’s difficult to tell by just looking at a bar of soap why one might be a better choice than another. On the outside, many soaps look the same. In fact, some store-bought soaps, with their bright colors and strong perfumes, may seem more enticing than the more demure looking, handmade bars. And that’s why it’s important to know who made that bar of soap and what ingredients they put into it.

You may have heard that lye is used to make handmade soap and wondered how it could possibly be safe to use such a caustic compound on your skin. The good news is that a finished, cured bar of soap contains no lye at all. This is because, while lye is a critical ingredient in the soap making process, the chemical reaction that makes soap entirely neutralizes the lye.

Since many soap and skin product producers use both essential oils and fragrance oils to scent their products, you may wonder if there really is a difference between the two, or why you should care which type of oil is scenting your soap.

Like other essential oils, spearmint essential oil is extracted from the leaves of its source plant—mentha spicate, an herb plant that flourishes in most temperate climates—by steam distillation, a process that gently extracts and concentrates the essence of the plant’s fragrance and properties into an oil that can be used in a multitude of ways.

The internet is flowing with claims about the benefits of goat milk. Some are true, some less true, and some patently false. In many respects, milk is milk, and goat milk and cow milk share similar properties. Both are loaded with vitamins and nutrients that are good for your skin and your body, and both are natural products that, when treated properly, offer you natural, chemical-free cleansing and skin care.